(Memorare To Our Lady of the Sacred Heart)
Remember, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, the great things the Lord has done for you. He choice you for his Mother. He wanted you close to his Cross. He gives you a share in his glory. He listens to your prayer
Offer him our prayer of Praise and thanksgiving; present our petitions to him. Let us live like you in the love of your Son, that his kingdom may come.
Lead all men and women to the source of living water that flows from his heart, spreading over the world hope and salvation, justice and peace. See our trust in you; answer our prayer. Show yourself always our Mother. Amen
There is Adoration of the Blessed Sacramejunent before the weekday masses at St Mary Mother of God Church, 9:00am and at Saints Peter and Pauls Church 9:30am. Interested Parishioners are welcome to the Adoration.
The Sacrament of Confession/Reconciliation is available before and after Mass on weekdays and Saturdays.
SATURDAY 15th Feb Mass 4.3.0pm.
Hughie McGiven (99 B/D) Paul Powell ; Patricia Doolan; Bernadette Carty (Recovery)
SUNDAY 16th Feb 10am Mass. Joan Donaldson (100 B/R) John Donaldson (100 B/R); Kathleen Sinnott.
Wed 19th Feb 9;30am Mass; Holy Souls; Taylor Family (S/I); Davis Family (S/I).
Fri 21st Feb Mass 9.30am Jean Collins (L/D) Darren Roberts (L/D); Paul Powell (L/D).
Saturday 22nd Feb 4;30pm Mass
Sunday 23rd Feb 10:am Mass. Ann Kelly (Ann); Helen Wright (Ann) Thomas Eagleton (Ann)
We remember all who have died recently, especially all those who have died in the invasion of Ukraine and all whose anniversaries occur about this time.
The Sacrament of Confession/Reconciliation is available before and after Mass on weekdays and Saturday.
1 What did Jesus do for forty days after his baptism? (Matthew 4:2)
4 Who preached at Pentecost leading to the Baptism of about 3000 Souls? (Acts 2:14-41)
1 Which water turned to blood? (Exodus 7:20)
4 Who was the Commander of the Canaanites army defeated by Deborah and Barak? (Judges 4;14-15)
1 How old was Jesus’ when His Ministry began? (Luke 3:23)
4 Where did Jesus Tell the Disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit? (Acts 1:4)
1 Who was the oldest Son of Isaac? ( Genesis 25:25 )
4 Who was the tax collector that climbed a tree to see Jesus? ( Luke 19:2-4 )
1 What event Happened while Peter was praying on a rooftop in Joppa? (Acts 10)
4 What did Peter do after realizing he had Denied Jesus three times? (Luke 22:61-62)
1 What does Paul say increase in knowledge and judgment? ( Philipians 1:9 )
4 What genre did Jesus primarily use to preach his message? ( Matthew 13:34-35 )
1 What were the jobs of the two men who were in Prison with Joseph and had their dreams interpreted? (Genesis 40:1)
4 In which book of the Bible do we read about a Character called Mordecai? (Esther 2:7)
1 On which mountain did Jesus preach his sermon on the mount? ( John 5:7 )
4 Which of Jesus’ disciples sank while trying to walk on water? ( Matthew 14:28-31 )
1 In Acts what condition did the man suffer before being healed? ( Acts : 3 )
4 On which sea did Jesus calm the storm while he was in the boat with his Disciples? ( Luke 8:22-25 )
1 What is the shortest book in the New Testament? Answer (1st letter of John )
4 According to the Beatitudes, who will be fulfilled ? (Matthew 5:6)
1 What is the shortest book in the Old Testament? (Obadiah 1:1-21)
4 Who was Abraham’s second son? (Genesis 21:3)
1 In the book of Proverbs, who is personified as calling out to passersby? (Proverbs 1:20-21)
4 What was the first plague Moses Brought upon Egypt? (Exodus 7:20)
1 Whose wife had a dream and warned him ” to have nothing to do with that just man? (Matthew 27:19)
4 According to Joel while old men will dream dreams, what will young men do? (Joel 2:28)
1 In the parable, Jesus said, who built his house on sand? (Matthew 7:26-27)
4 What do Proverbs say is good like medicine? (Proverbs 17:22)
1 Who appeared at Jesus’ Transfiguration? (Matthew 17:1-9)
4What does the author of the 2 letters of John call himself? ( 2 John 1:1)
1 When Jesus died, for how long was there darkness over the land? (Matthew 25:45)
4 What did Jesus give Judas before Judas left to betray him John 13:26-27)
1 What happened to Uzzah when he touched the Ark of God? (2 Samuel 6:6-7)
4 Which King built a pool to bring water into Jerusalem? ( 2 Kings 20:20)
1 Who thought that Jesus was John the Baptist risen from the dead? ( Mark 6:14-16 )
4 Who was stoned and dragged out of the City and presumed dead? ( Acts 14:19-20)
1 Who arrived first at the tomb the morning Jesus was resurrected? ( John 20:1)
4 Who was the first person to recognize Jesus the messiah while still in the womb? ( Luke !:41-44)
Answer to last weeks (?) A Doxology is a short hymn sung or spoken of praise of God.Example the Eucharist 1 through him with him and in him in the unity of the holy Spirit.
2 When Jesus was arrested, which Jewish official did he see first? (John 18:13)
Answer to last week’s quiz Gloria Patri.
Can you name the two Doxologies what are said by the Priest during the Eucharist?,
1 Who recognized Jesus as the messiah when he was presented in the temple as a baby? ( Luke 2:25-36)
4 Who was the first person to come to the injured person in the parable of the good Samaritan? ( Luke 10:31-32 )
1 Who prophesied that Paul would be bound by the Jews and handed over to the Gentiles? (Acts 21:10-11)
4 What did Jesus say would be the sign of the end of time? ( Matthew 24:6-8)
1 What did Jesus say to his disciples? when they woke him up during a storm at sea? (Matthew 7:26)
4 Which book in the old testament describes the suffering of Jesus? ( Isiah 531-2)
1 Which King in the bible got leprosy? ( 2nd Chronicles 26:19-24)
4 What is the name of the island where John wrote the book Revelation? (Revelation 1:9)
1 What did Peter say the day of the Lord would be like? (2nd Peter 3:10)
1 How many Israelites does John say are sealed in the book of Revelation? ( Revelation 7:4)
1 What was the name of the high priest servant whose ear was cut of by Simon Peter? (John 18:10)
4 What ran violently down a steep place and Perished in a Lake?(Mark 5:13)
1 How did Elisha die? (2 Kings 13:14-22)
4 How many Kings did the Israelites kill to claim the land the Lord had Given them? (Joshua 12:7-21)
1 Who was the name of Gideon’s Father? (Judges 6:11-12}
4 Who was the Father of Moses? (Exodus 6:20-21)
1 What did Jesus say the sellers had turned his house of prayer into? (Matthew 21:12-13)
4 Where was Paul when he wrote the letter to Philemon? (Philemon 1:1)
1 Where did Jesus heal the widow’s son? (Luke 7:11-15)
4 In the Bible, who is known as the weeping Prophet? (Jeremiah (9:1)
1 Who was the Judge who defeated the Midianites with only 300 men? (Judges 7:23)
1 Who was set free by Pilate instead of Jesus? (Matthew 27:26)
4 Where was Jesus buried? (Matthew 27:60)
1 Where would you find Isaiah’s Hymn of thanksgiving? (Isaiah 12)
4 Why did Jephthah Sacrifice his Daughter? (Judges 11:30-40)