(Memorare To Our Lady of the Sacred Heart)
Remember, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, the great things the Lord has done for you. He choice you for his Mother. He wanted you close to his Cross. He gives you a share in his glory. He listens to your prayer
Offer him our prayer of Praise and thanksgiving; present our petitions to him. Let us live like you in the love of your Son, that his kingdom may come.
Lead all men and women to the source of living water that flows from his heart, spreading over the world hope and salvation, justice and peace. See our trust in you; answer our prayer. Show yourself always our Mother. Amen
There is Adoration of the Blessed Sacramejunent before the weekday masses at St Mary Mother of God Church, 9:00am and at Saints Peter and Pauls Church 9:30am. Interested Parishioners are welcome to the Adoration.
The Sacrament of Confession/Reconciliation is available before and after Mass on weekdays and Saturdays.
SATURDAY 29th March Mass 4.3.0pm. Pauline Gregory (B/D) Rita Knight (S/I) Maureen Abel (Good recovery )
SUNDAY 30th March 10am Mass. “All Mothers”
Wed 9;30am Mass;
Fri 21st Mass 9.30am
Saturday 4;30pm Mass
Sunday 10:am Mass.
Support for Ukraine:The Liverpool Archdiocese has launched an urgent and major appeal to support Ukraine. All donations will be sent to the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of the Holy Family of London. The text numbers are as follows: Text HELPUKRAINE to 70085 TO DONATE £2, Text HELPUKRAINE to 70450 to donate £3; Text HELPUKRAINE to 70460 to donate £5; Text HELPUKRAINE to 70470 to donate £10. More information can be found on the website:
The Sacrament of Confession/Reconciliation is available before and after Mass on weekdays and Saturday.
1 Who killed all Males in a City because their Sister was defiled? (Genesis 34:25-31)
4 During which Occasion is it recorded that Jesus and his disciples sang? (Matthew 26:30)